【提问】You exceeded your current quota-反馈建议X-Copilot-X-ChatGPT-X-Copilot

提问You exceeded your current quota

Hello, I use the excellent X-Copilot plugin with the free plan on my jetbrains IDE. But since a few days, I can’t use gpt 3.5 templates anymore. I’m not using 100 requests / hour, but I’m limited. Can anyone help me?
I don’t really understand what I need to do.
Thank you 🙂
That’s the message I get all the time:

You have overspeeded out the maximum rate 100 times/hour, please try again later~

2  "error": {
3    "message": "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.",
4    "type": "insufficient_quota",
5    "param": null,
6    "code": "insufficient_quota"
7  }